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- | |
- | |#
- | ------------------ |#
- | The Ultimate Multi-Player-Game |#
- | for (M)STE and FALCON030 |#
- | |#
- |___________________________________|#
- | |#
- | © by SCYNACORE prod. 1993/1994 |#
- | coded by DYNACORE and SCY of |#
- | the Sirius Cybernetics Corp. |#
- | --final version-- |#
- | release date 15.07.94 |#
- !___________________________________!#
- ####################################
- _____________________________________
- General Infos about this program:
- =================================
- -----------------------------
- This means you are not only allowed
- but obliged to copy and spread this
- game. If you like it and play it
- often, you have to send us at least
- 20 DM
- or 20 Dollar
- or 20 Pounds.
- (No other currency of less worth!)
- Adress at the end of the text...
- (By the way: This is our method to
- say DM only...)
- 2. Starting DYNABUSTERS+
- ------------------------
- DYNABUSTERS+ is a game that runs not
- on normal STs because it requires at
- least STE hardware (1 MByte of RAM,
- blitter, STE-Hardscroll, extended
- joystickports, enhanced palette and
- (of course) DMA-Sound).
- And because it is totally written on
- 1040STE and FALCON 030 it runs on STE
- and FALCON 030 totally ERROR FREE!
- (Hey, its a STE-Game! There is no real
- Falcon support... (Except 16 MHz, but
- on MEGA-STE you get the same speed!).
- If there are at least 75 Persons
- sending the (really small) amount of
- 20 DMarks, we'll surely going to
- produce a full F030-Support-Version!
- Maybe a Comp-Link-Version?
- Well, nothing is impossible!)
- Due to the fact that this game needs
- a whole meg of RAM we fastly wrote a
- little loader for standart STE with
- just one Meg. This means, that you
- can start DYNABUSTERS+ with a simple
- double-click on the '1MLOADER.TOS'
- Icon if you have a machine with the
- above mentioned configuration.
- If you have more than one MByte RAM,
- you just have to double-click the
- You may install DYNABUSTERS+ on your
- harddisk as well. Just copy the whole
- folder.
- 3. The One-Meg-Loader
- ---------------------
- This little program just loads the
- to the absolute adress $20000 and
- then copies the data down to $1000,
- creates a bogus basepage and finally
- relocates the program down there.
- The TRAP #1 and the TRAP #14-Vectors
- and all interrupts are disabled, so
- that the system doesn't crash until
- the game really starts.
- The EXIT-Option in the menu of the
- game then is really not useful
- because there is no system to go
- back anymore.
- 4. Extended Joystickports
- -------------------------
- 3 of the 6 possible players can be
- controlled without using the extended
- joystickports. But for full 6-Player-
- action, you really need them!
- The only way WE know to get the
- adapters is to do it yourself, sorry!
- But as there is no complex stuff to
- do it should be possible for at least
- some of you. It won't cost that much.
- For technical problems (like: which
- pin does what) contact us.
- [We have heard, that due to the fact
- that Mega STEs don't have extended-
- Joystickports, the joystickroutine
- gives back nonsens-steering!
- That's why DYNABUSTERS+ turns off
- extended joysticks on Mega STE!]
- 4.1 Centronics-Joysticks
- ------------------------
- Thanx to The Members Of Good Taste
- (Hi there!) for sending us the source
- of how to use the centronxjoysticks!
- So we added a little routine that
- gets the joystickdata and ors it
- with the data of the extended joys.
- This feature is turned off after
- starting DYNABUSTERS+ ('coz if a
- printer is connected the figures
- run without sense...)
- The Functionkey F10 toggles this
- feature while staying in the menu.
- The Centronics-Joys control PLAYER 4
- and PLAYER 5. (works the same way as
- PLAYER 3 with the keys!)
- PLAYER 6 is still stuck to the
- extended joysticks!
- The centronxadapter is much easier to
- get, because there are more ST-games
- to support it and at least some firms
- to sell those adapters.
- 4.2 Jaguar-Pads
- ---------------
- Now we even support those great pads!
- (Thanx to Agent -t- for suggesting
- that!).
- If you want to play with the pads
- instead of the extended sticks (no
- adapter needed with pads), you
- simply have to push F9 in the menu!
- The pads control player 4 and 5 (same
- as the centronics joys).
- Player 3 is as usual supported by the
- cursorkeys!
- If you want to play with pads and
- centronics joys turn both on (by
- pressing F9 and F10 - remember, push
- twice turns features off again!).
- Centronics stear player 4+5 and the
- pads control player 3+6.
- The pads should be available in all
- shops selling the great JAGUAR!
- They are quite expensive, but they
- are worth the price!
- The cheapest way to play with six
- persons at once is to build the
- adapters.
- On Mega STE this feature is turned
- off, too, because of the lack of
- extended joystickports...
- (Why are they missing on MSTE?)
- 5. Further infos/tips
- ---------------------
- 'CREDITS'n GREETS' in the mainmenu
- for further infos about the game.
- Try to use the skulls/flasks/arrows
- and questionmarks all the time,
- because they mean the real fun!
- If there are any questions left, then
- write us or test everything out until
- your questions are answered...
- (Writing us would be nicer...)
- 6. The Digital-Sound-System
- ---------------------------
- DYNABUSTERS+ features now 6 channel
- digisound during the whole game.
- 4 channels are used for the module.
- You can toggle module on/off anytime
- you want by pressing functionkey F1.
- (Without mod you have all six channels
- for sound FX!)
- To toggle the noises just use the
- functionkey F2.
- (Module becomes louder when noises
- are turned off!)
- 7. PAL/VGA (on FALCON030)
- ---------------------------
- This game is written for STE and so
- it uses PAL, 320x200 pixels,
- 4 planes (16 Colors) and 50 frames
- per Sec.
- Thanks to Blade/Newcore, DYNABUSTERS+
- is now able to slow the frequency of
- the VGA-Monitor down to 50Hz.
- This may not work with all monitors,
- so hold ALTERNATE until the title-
- picture appears to run in normal VGA-
- mode. Remember that the timing is
- completly based upon the 50Hz of a
- normal monitor! As the module is too
- fast, too, it is simply turned off...
- 8. What's PLUS?
- ---------------
- Diffenences between DYNABUSTERS+ and
- our first release of DYNABUSTERS:
- - The Centronics-Port-Joysticks are
- supported now!
- - The JAGUAR-Pads are supported as
- well!
- - Loads of warfields are added!
- - More skull-/flask effects!
- - Group effects (yap, more trouble!)!
- - Some spelling mistakes are
- removed :-)
- - Other spelling mistakes are
- included :-(
- - Some little bugs are kicked out
- - One BIG bug is smashed out
- - Pausefunction included
- - Some grafix are replaced
- - This text changed a lot
- - The loader 'learned' something new
- - The packrate improved (thanx to
- Delta Force for Noisepakker,
- though there were no depacking-
- sources, so we had to create our
- own)
- - A titlescreen while depacking
- samples and other initstuff
- - A new and smaller module (99kByte)
- - Therefore more samples
- - Realtime module depacking to save
- the rare memory and therefore again
- more samples
- - New (english) samples
- - More than 400KB music/samplestuff
- now!
- - 6 channel digisound all the time!
- - Bombs can now be kicked
- - Cool DYNABUSTERS+ story
- - Warfield decreases in the last
- minute (less timeouts!)
- - And many parts of the code work
- faster!
- - A really terrible routine, to make
- you register DYNABUSTERS+ (Yeah,
- man, send money! There have been
- too less registrations so far...
- That's the reason why we will never
- again release a fully working
- version of a game anymore!
- We actually started working on a
- new game and it will be a
- 2 player game (maybe with an one
- player option) using STE fine-
- scrolling, digisound and lotsa
- more!!!
- And it will work on F030 as well!!!
- (It's again a coverversion of
- a brilliant console game!!!))
- 9. Address
- ----------
- The Sirius Lab (TSCC WHQ)
- Ruelzheimer Str. 30a
- 76756 Bellheim
- Germany
- Write for any (legal!!!) reason you
- can think of, especially FEEDBACK!
- (And if you just write a postcard
- (we're masters in suggesting..))
- You can also try to contact us in one
- of the following BBSes, just lookout
- Dreamscape: +49 (0) 89 7917128
- (TSCC Germany support area!!!)
- ATARI Box NRW: +49 (0) ?? ???
- (TSCC Germany support area!!!
- number and name will change soon)
- ADC-Box: +49 (0) 261 69005
- NO CARRIER: +49 (0) 6404 64396
- Gore-Zone: +49 (0) 48 416069
- Nightbox: +49 (0) 5861 18795
- The Abyss: +49 (0) 431804883
- Necronomicon: +0358 (0) 3882710
- DHS-North: +46 (0) 225 51759
- (The last two are foreign (expensive
- from our point of view) BBSes, so
- don't expect a quick response
- in these boxes...)
- So long...
- bye.
- P.S.: Spread this around the universe!
- The Sirius Cybernetics Corporation is
- a bunch of mindless jerks who'll be
- the first against the wall when the
- revolution comes...
- Douglas Adams